TCSO Deputy Injured in Weather Related Collision
At 8:46 am on January 31, 2023, a TCSO deputy pulled over and exited his vehicle to assist the driver of an 18-wheeler that had gone off the roadway and was disabled in the 3900 block of SH 130 northbound. While assisting that driver, another 18-wheeler slid on the icy roadway. The deputy was struck by that truck and was pinned beneath one of its tractor tires.
TCSO, DPS, AFD and ATCEMS worked to extricate him and at 9:36 am, he was freed from the wreckage and transported to a local hospital. The deputy is currently in surgery and is expected to survive his injuries.
“I want to offer my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who responded and assisted this deputy in his time of dire need. Both his biological and TCSO family are relieved and thankful that he’s alive. Please, please don’t drive on these icy roadways. It’s not worth your life or the lives of the first responders who are literally putting their personal safety on the line.”-Sheriff Sally Hernandez
The identity of the injured TCSO will not be released publicly.
Submitted By: Kristen Dark, Sr. Public Information Officer (512) 854-498