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Junior Deputy Summer Camp


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We are looking forward to hosting our annual JUNIOR DEPUTY SUMMER CAMP this summer for 9 - 12 yr. old Travis County youth. We have not selcted dates yet, so please check back in late April/May.

Campers will have a positive exposure to the daily workings of the TCSO Law Enforcement and Corrections Bureaus. During the week-long camp, campers will have the opportunity to attend presentations from multiple, specialized units within the agency such as SWAT, K-9, Estray, and Lake Patrol as well as some fun recreational activities. Some of these units will also have hands-on experiences that will teach campers about their daily routines. 

Campers will have staff advisors (TCSO Deputies) that will be present at all times and will transport campers around to the different areas of Travis County. It is the goal of the camp advisors to provide supervision, positive interaction and education of the campers throughout the week.

Camp Agenda 

Please cehck back in late April/May for dates.

For more information, please contact TCSO Community Outreach at:

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 512-854-7786


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